Yesterday was pretty good.
For my birthday Chase gave me the Galactic Heroes Endor Han and ewok set, plus the jacket we’d seen at the mall a few weeks ago! I wore it to work yesterday, because usually I’m freezing at work, but for some reason it was warm in the office yesterday so I didn’t get to wear it very long!
I had woken up with a headache that morning, but by lunch it was so bad I was nauseated. I was planning on seeing if I could just leave and go home after lunch, since everything was basically done. My coworkers got back with lunch for everybody so I went on in there, thinking maybe some food in my stomach will make me feel better, but no, the smell of it just made me REALLY feel like I was going to hurl. So I managed a few bites before handing it off to Kevin, who wolfed it down, of course.
But then – they had surprised me by getting my favourite cake for my birthday. MAN! They had driven all the way to the little baker out in germantown to pick it up while out getting lunch. That was so sweet! (it’s white cake with strawberries in between each layer – not strawberry filling, but thinly sliced strawberries… i love it! I’d have it in my wedding cake if they weren’t so super expensive! LOL)
So I hung around and managed to eat a slice, and by then I felt a bit better. I managed to stay the rest of the day, then came home and slept. Both of my parents had practice (mum – play, dad – band… LOL) so Chase and I ate at home, I made cupcakes (and ate a lot of batter) and then we watched The Sixth Sense on one of the movie channels. 🙂
So it was a pretty good day.
We are still trying to decide whether or not to drive up to Chattanooga for this fundraiser event. To me it sounds like a lot of fun — it’s a huge business gala to raise money for March of Dimes, and the organizers have decided on a Space theme and have asked the 501st to come out, and they’ve got little skits planned and photos, etc. Chase isn’t all that sure about it, we’ve said over and over again we’re going to cut back to save money for the wedding. I say we wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel room — I could drive us back to at least Jackson (3 hours away) to my grandmother’s house and we could crash there. We’d be getting there really late, but we could sleep in, it’s not like we have anywhere to be the next day.
Besides I say we could skip the Christmas parades. I’d rather do the november thing than freeze my butt off to walk a mile or so for a bunch of kids who aren’t quite sure who I’m supposed to be.
And I’m surewill post a picture of his healthy breakfast today, so I’m going to post a picture of my breakfast today, too: